Thursday, October 1, 2009

SA 28 Exam Questions

Oops.. I don't remember all. SA 28 classmates, please fill the gaps where necessary. The questions here are not in its order. Sorry juniors.


-What do you understand by Web Service? I vividly remember this question because I didn't answer it. This is the last question.


Here, Suria asked the questions for Heroes also. It was about:

-Array List
-Garbage Collection
-Hash Map
-Inheritance (extends)

Some are multiple choice questions. Some questions need only a short answer. Yeah, Suria said "Think a lot, Don't write a lot!"

For example, for the ArrayList, codes are given with gaps. You have to write the codes in the gaps.

In most of the questions, you have to fill the gaps. Sometimes write property class.


-What Venkat showed in the Damo was enough.
-String Split
-Writing in class
-How to connect to the database

Mostly are comparisons and coding. You have to write the classes for the given scenario.

The comparison questions were short.


- A scenario was given.
-Draw a Use Case Diagram for the given scenario.
-A class diagram for this scenario.

Oh, man, I almost forgot. I have to search my school books again.
In any means, you won't have much time to write down. Juniors, you should start practice writing very very quickly.